Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013

Goldeck - Hiking

With Conor, Paul's friend from Kilcoole, Ireland, Paul and Jakob we start at 7:15 to make a trip to Carinthia's largest dam, the "Kölnbreinsperre". We take a short walk on the mural crown, before we decide not ascend one of the still snow-coverd mountains in the neighborhood. (It's cold and cloudy).

Instead of this we go back to Spittal an der Drau, where we take the cable car to reach the "Goldeck". At an altitude of 1650 we start our hike. The first stage leads us to the "Goldeck-Hütte", a refuge of the Ausrian Alpine Club. From here we continue to the "Martennock" and to the peak of "Goldeck". We enjoy the beautiful view before we walk down to "Krendlmaralm" where we have a short rest (soup, beer and Kaiserschmarrn). 

The next stage is a walk down to Schwaig, where Paul's Grandmother and his uncle live. We enjoy coffee & cake and home made elder juice. The boys have fun with Jonas, Paul's youngest cousin. At 5:30 pm we are back in Klagenfurt. 

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